wordXchange: Amos
Each of our four weeks at the NDG wordXchange we will be posting /commenting about what we read and the kinds of things that came up in our conversations. In our first session last night we read Amos 5: 7-17. After opening with an eloquent passsage reminding us how small we are in God's greatness, he proceeds with a scathing indictment of the selfish, wealthy Isrealites, reminding them that all these material concerns will ultimately not be enjoyed, in eternity. Ouch. The language is heavy and brash: worth a read!P
Wow that's so strong, such strong words. I haven't read the Prophets for awhile and I tend to forget that there is such strong, blatant words in the Bible. v.7-9 stood out to me " ....A world God wakes up each morning and puts to bed each night." this just puts things in such a different perspective. it feels like he's talking about this toy world ( for lack of a better description ) that God is taking care of, it really shows us how small we actually are in the scheme of things, even though our own daily issues seem so huge sometimes. Also in v.13 he says " justice is a lost cause" and in v.21-24 " I want justice-oceans of it. I want fairness-rivers of it." we can fit that so easily into today's context. God wants justice on this earth, that's a huge part of His heart. and so often we miss the point ( like we've been talking about in Emerge a bit). sounds like an interesting study. it's neat that the word Xchange Julia is doing dowtown is on social justice.
Yes, quite a coinkydink.
Or is it... maybe scripture is more shot through with this stuff than we've cared to realize (beyond some Franciscans). Maybe it's one of those things where once you've noticed it in one place you start noticing parallels all over the place...
yah, i agree. It's like ' synchronicity ' a la Artist's Way, once you conciously head in one direction, things start falling into place left and right faster than you can pinpoint. the same applies to seeking out truth.
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