Sunday, February 11, 2007

Bono speaks at an international prayer breakfast

Listen to Bono's Speech

I found this speech extremely interesting and moving . Bono speaks with such a bold heart for justice, especially for the poor in Africa, and it resonates with what emergers, and thousands of people all over the world are feeling. This is a 20 min clip, but it's definately worth a listen, and i'd be very interested to hear people's comments. For me, after listening, i felt my dreams expanding to use my gifts as an artist, to do whatever i can to alter the way people see each other, to fight against poverty, with whatever tools are in my hand and heart.


At 12:59 AM , Blogger enoch's epoch said...

Wow, Leah, thanks for posting that. I never know what to think when a celebrity tries his/her hand at a political statement, but that was fantastic. I really appreciate that, given 20 mins. of uninterrupted time before some of the world's most powerful people, he chose to talk on behalf of those who would NEVER get that chance. Extremely compelling content, and yet it seemed so out of place from what is normally shown on TV.

At 3:40 PM , Blogger Leah said...

yah, what a responsibility and privilege, to speak, somehow, for those who may never get a chance to speak.

At 4:20 AM , Blogger kat-la-russe said...

I think its a privilege for an artist to share and take statement again poverty and injustice. But, there is one thing with Bono ( maybe , probably its not just him) . Making concert that cost 300$ ( that was the price some people payed at the last concert in montreal) and plaiding about poverty. Its may tru that he give a lot to this cause and others just by making the message visible and of course giving a voice. But mostly it was the voice of Bono...the superstar that people remember..not necessarely the cause itself. I may sound cynical about what your post. But no...I just think we should take it for what is it and not something better then what is it. Let be realistic and not give more credit that it should be give.

At 4:25 PM , Blogger Leah said...

I agree Kat-the focus should not be on Bono,nor the credit given to him, he is just a person, and it's a pity if people listen more to "the super star's" voice than to his cause. but i'm still glad that he is saying something. he could be saying anything else, but this is what he's saying.there are thousands of people working behind the scenes, never noticed, against world poverty, probably with a lot less funds than Bono has. I think no matter what we do, wether we are rich or poor, famous or not, matters and makes a difference.

At 11:24 AM , Blogger Paul said...

Kat- I agree that the focus should be on the need in the world, not on the star personality, and I think he tries his best to do that. But people will focus on him unfortunately, and that's just a sad side-effect. Still, I think it's really good that someone like that is using his high profile to all attention to these things. The reason for that is that, how many people hear if you or I try to call attention to the world's need; at most a few dozen of your friends and family? Maybe a few more at a meeting of some kind? He recognizes that God has given him an audience of millions, and he's taking advantage.


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